Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter / bab 10

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 10. Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter Bab 10
    Pertarungan itu sekali lagi terperangkap dalam pengulangan siklus: penebang kayu - botak dengan beberapa elit - penebang kayu, dan seterusnya, diayunkan seperti penggiling daging, dan jangkrik yang telah dilewati dihilangkan.

    Namun, kehilangan pertahanan pagar kayu, mengandalkan tenaga untuk menahan arus tentara yang tiada habisnya, pada akhirnya bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.

    Saat pertempuran berlanjut, penebang kayu terus terluka. Karena dampak luka, kekuatan fisik mereka cepat menurun. Jumlah penebang kayu yang bisa terus bertarung semakin sedikit, dan waktu istirahat kepala tercukur semakin pendek dan pendek. Kemudian, ia harus berjuang di garis depan dan bergantung pada keberanian pribadinya untuk menjaga agar garis pertempuran tidak roboh.

    Kepala botak ini memang pria yang tangguh. Saat pertengkaran berlanjut, luka di tubuhnya terus meningkat dan berangsur-angsur menjadi berdarah. Tapi dia mengepalkan giginya dan tidak hanya tidak mundur, dan bahkan sedikit warna lemah pun tidak muncul dan berjuang keras.

    Tapi hanya keberanian saja yang tidak cukup Lihatlah luka yang meningkat pada dirinya dan perhatikan perlahan pelan-pelan dia tahu dia tidak tahan lama.

    Melihat bahwa kepala gundul tidak dapat bertahan, Bibi Xiong diam-diam mengangguk dan melompat keluar dari kedalaman hutan.

    Mungkin desa ini punya cara lain, tapi Yan Xiong tidak bisa melihat orang baik menjaga orang lain untuk memperjuangkan darah, tapi dia masih berdiri.

    Tubuh besar itu mengeluarkan angin topan, sebuah tentakel raksasa melambai, memecahkan pohon besar dan menggulingkan tanah. Rasanya seperti tornado yang melintas di bumi, menandai jejak bumi yang mengerikan, mendorong para pahlawan ke depan dengan cepat, dan dalam jarak hampir sepuluh mil. Ia bergegas ke tempat terbuka di depan desa.


    Ubur-ubur raksasa menggunakan bahasa permainan dalam bahasa yang tak seorang pun bisa mengerti di dunia ini, mengambil tentakel, dan bergegas menuju kerumunan yang telah berkumpul di kolam menuju gerbang desa.


    Sedikitnya ratusan jangkrik hancur oleh pukulan ini, dan bahkan tanah pun tercebur dalam depresi berat. Kekuatan binatang buas yang mengerikan itu terbukti dalam pemogokan ini.

    Bagi kelompok pria yang hanya memiliki tulang belulang, ubur-ubur raksasa benar-benar sangat kuat.

    "Oh, Anda melihat kelompok limbah kayu ini! Lao-tzu adalah gigi kuat, super kuat, tak terbendung, benar-benar kuat!"

    Dengan tawa yang besar, melambaikan tentakel dan kasetnya, kami tidak bisa mengalahkan pasukan. Meski sebenarnya ia hanya memainkan sebagian kecil kekuatannya sendiri, tingkat kekuatan ini cukup untuk menyingkirkan ribuan tentara.

    Penduduk desa yang terjebak dalam perjuangan pahit tertegun. Mereka tidak pernah menduga hal-hal akan berbalik ke tahap ini.

    Melompat keluar dari galaksi di rumput, veteran itu memiliki pengalaman. Namun, jika seekor naga diturunkan dari surga, siapa yang bisa memikirkan omong kosong semacam itu?

    Untungnya, Xun Xiong telah membuat tubuh ini agak lembut. Selain menjadi besar, tidak ada yang istimewa dari kekejaman itu. Kulit tebal dan warna sederhana tidak memiliki pola atau kelainan bentuk. Benda itu tidak lebih dari potongan tebal. Kulitnya aneh. Sebagai perbandingan, penghujatan itu bahkan lebih mengerikan lagi.

    Ini seperti gajah dan hyena. Meskipun gajah jauh lebih besar dari pada hyena, daya tahan dapat membunuh hyena. Namun, dalam penampilannya, gajah jauh lebih mungkin daripada hyena.

    Apalagi saat gajah masih melindungi Anda, sehingga Anda tidak terluka oleh hyena.

    Melihat seribu tentara Bibi Xiong, tentakel melambaikan tangan ke semua sisi dan menabrak tanah dengan tulang dan terak. Banyak penduduk desa bersorak.

    Namun, di balik kerumunan, di rumah batu tempat pahlawan pria tidak bisa menembus dalam, mata tua tidak hanya tidak senang tapi sangat marah.

    "Aneh sekali! Salah satu makhluk legendaris!" Sinar berjilbab putih dari Kuil Lord of the Night Watchman sedang menatap binatang yang membunuh Kuartet di dalam kawanan domba dan sangat marah sehingga jenggotnya pun tercengang.

    Dia menghabiskan banyak waktu dan tenaga, menghabiskan banyak sumber daya, mengatur beberapa ujung belakang, dan bersiap untuk meningkatkan tingkat tuhannya sendiri di desa tersebut dan memperluas perkembangan beberapa pemuja sementara malam gelap tahun ini dan pengepungan tentara. Kemudian, sementara itu, si botak yang selalu mendorong penduduk desa untuk mandiri dan sangat menghalangi pekerjaan misionarisnya terbunuh.

    Semua berjalan dengan baik, dan begitu saya mengundurkan diri, burung hantu botak itu akan segera selesai, dan ketika saya siap meluncurkan kartu saya dan membuat debutnya sebagai penyelamat, penduduk desa tersebut harus turun dan beribadah - Oh, tidak, mereka sudah di bawah. Saya hanya menyembah, tapi tidak cukup tulus untuk beribadah. Biarkan mereka beribadah dengan tulus dan dengan tulus menguduskan segalanya kepada Yang Mulia, sehingga Yang Mulia bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak kepercayaan dan mempraktikkan nilai hidupnya sendiri. Setelah hidup singkat, dia menuju ke negara Yang Mulia ...

    Dia mempersiapkan semuanya dengan sangat baik, selangkah demi selangkah, dan menguasai segalanya.

    Namun, monster sialan ini telah menghancurkan semuanya!

    Hateful! Tubuh besar dan kekuatan yang kuat ini harus dilihat sebagai monster yang hebat. Seharusnya monster yang memberi banyak makhluk arang dan memberi orang ketakutan dan gemetar. Bagaimana cara melindungi manusia?

    Penguasa jubah hitam itu sudah sangat tua. Ketika masih muda, dia adalah seorang petualang. Dia berjalan di daratan dan menyebarkan kemuliaan tuhannya sambil mengumpulkan kekayaan dan kekuatan. Dia juga telah melihat monster-monster besar itu, mereka memiliki kekuatan putus asa, menggunakan kekuatan untuk membuat sesuatu terjadi, dan sombong dan sombong.

    Tapi sekarang dia melihat monster imajiner.

    Kuat, tapi tidak garang, tapi sangat ramah.

    Lebih dari sekali, dia melihat bahwa monster tersebut dengan sengaja menghindari melukai penduduk desa dalam pertempuran tersebut. Dia bahkan lebih suka makan beberapa kerugian dan diserang kalajengking. Dia juga berhasil melindungi penduduk desa.

    Tidak ada keraguan bahwa ini adalah monster di sebuah perkemahan yang baik. Mungkin itu bukan hal yang manusiawi, tapi dari dunia ini penuh dengan kecemerlangan dan kehangatan.

    Tianjie biologis? Ubur ubur Pernah dengar ...

    Terlepas dari beberapa keraguan, ini lebih banyak kemarahan. Untuk korban kurban lama yang telah mengalami banyak badai dan kegagalan, perencanaan sebenarnya bukan masalah besar. Jika Anda sukses, kegagalan bisa ditolerir. Ini lebih mengecewakan masa depan.

    Karena pria besar itu sangat ramah terhadap manusia, dia cenderung tinggal di daerah ini dan menjadi peran yang mirip dengan santo pelindung. Dengan wali nya, desa terdekat tentu tidak lagi perlu mengandalkan kekuatan ilahi untuk bertahan menghadapi krisis. Ini mungkin bukan masalah besar bagi Gereja Sage Baik yang pandai dalam penyembuhan dan sejenisnya, tapi ini hanyalah malapetaka bagi Gereja Dewa Kejahatan, yang didasarkan pada ketakutan dan ancaman.

    Belum lagi kebaikan dan kejahatan telah menjadi musuh yang mati sejak zaman kuno. Monster jenis ini harus berjuang untuk membunuh bahkan necromancers yang kurang jahat lagi. Apakah akan berbelas kasihan kepada Tuhan Tuhan Yang jahat yang jahat terhadap jantung dan paru-paru?

    Aku takut itu akan menghapus tentara yang luas, dan langit akan menerangi dunia bawah ....

    Dada persembahan kurban tua itu naik seperti bellow pandai besi. Kemarahan seperti api yang membakar, dan hampir terbakar.

    Sama sekali tidak ditoleransi!

    Ketakutan dan kemarahan mendorongnya dengan cepat ke sana kemari, dan juga membuat gadis-gadis remaja di sekitarnya yang bertugas sebagai pengorbanan pembantu merasa ngeri. Untungnya, dia cepat bangun dan menenangkan diri.

    Kemarahan tidak bisa memecahkan masalah, tapi akan membawa lebih banyak masalah. Dia perlu tenang sekarang, dan saat keadaan tidak benar-benar putus asa.

    Pada saat ini, kekuatan manusia tidak lagi berlaku. Hanya berdoa kepada Tuhan yang agung dan berdoa untuk hikmat Allah.

    "Penjaga malam yang setia, penjaga Gerbang Tuhan yang tidak tidur, hambamu berdoa di sini. Kebijaksanaan kecil pelayan tidak lagi cukup untuk mengatasi situasi di depannya, dan dia berdoa agar Anda dibimbing oleh hikmat agung dan besar dan katakan kepada pelayan bagaimana melakukannya!"

    Awalnya doanya tidak mendapat tanggapan, tapi tidak lama sebelum kuil kecil itu memancarkan cahaya aneh. Cahaya itu hitam pekat, tapi itu tidak bisa dijelaskan secara stigmatisasi. Cuaca terasa lebih hangat dan dingin, dan ini sangat aneh.

    Dengan datangnya cahaya aneh ini, ada juga kehendak yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Keinginan ini dan pastor tua akan bersentuhan dengannya, dan akan segera hilang. Bersama dengan cahaya yang aneh, akan tampak seolah-olah itu tidak pernah terjadi.

    "Aneh, apakah ilusi saya?" Pada saat rayuan tersebut, Yan Xiong merasakan peningkatan napasnya yang mendadak. Dia melihat tanpa sadar di rumah batu tersebut, namun dia tidak melihat situasi khusus. Ketika dia berencana untuk secara hati-hati Melihat saat yang tepat, aroma itu telah hilang dan semuanya seperti biasa, membuatnya bertanya-tanya apakah dia memiliki kesalahpahaman.

    Namun, ide ini hanya sekilas. Bukan tugas yang mudah untuk melindungi penduduk desa dengan baik saat berhadapan dengan tentara. Pada saat ini, dia menekan sebagian besar kekuatannya sendiri dan dia bahkan lebih berjuang. Tidak ada banyak ruang untuk gangguan.

    Pokoknya, untuk datang ke Jepang, beberapa saat perlahan berkomunikasi, dia tidak terburu-buru.

    Tapi dia tidak terburu-buru. Musuhnya sangat cemas.

    Di antara rumah-rumah batu, orang tua yang memejamkan mata dan berdoa sebelum tempat suci membuka matanya dan tidak lagi memiliki kekhawatiran atau ketidakamanan di matanya. Sebaliknya, ia mengekspos warna ekstasi.

    "Waktunya telah tiba untuk mengunjungi Kerajaan Allahku! Saat yang paling mulia dalam hidupku akhirnya tiba!"

    Dia tertawa, membuka koleksi tokonya sendiri, dan mengeluarkan sebuah tongkat kayu.

    Ada banyak noda pada tongkat kayu hitam. Lihatlah dengan saksama untuk melihat bekas-bekas yang tertinggal setelah darah mengering. Udara berdarah di udara juga membuktikan hal ini. Bagian dari staf kayu luar biasa tajam dan ada dua alur darah. Begitu tubuh menembus ke dalam tubuh mangsa, darah akan menyemburkan seluruh saluran darah dan mencelupkan pola khusus pada staf kayu. Dan "pola" itu bisa mengubah darah menjadi sihir, dengan cepat membangun serangkaian pengorbanan miniatur, dan mengubah korban menjadi persembahan kepada dewa-dewa jahat.

    Beberapa tahun yang lalu, ketika pastor tua itu masih menjadi imam muda, dia harus membayar mahal. Dia meminta seorang penyihir yang sama jahat untuk membuat tongkat kayu ini. Dia memberinya nama "Pengorbanan," dan menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikannya. Banyak pengorbanan telah menggunakan pengorbanan ini lebih dari satu kali untuk menyenangkan para dewa.

    Dia bisa menjadi tuan rumah yang suci dengan bakat yang tidak biasa. Tongkat kayu ini memberi kontribusi.

    Hari ini, dia akan menggunakan tongkat kayu ini lagi.

    Kali ini, dia akan menawarkan penawaran terbaik!

English Version
The battle once again fell into a repeating cycle: The group of loggers---except for the bald guy with a little more quintessence---- kept on repeating the same cycle, which was like a meat grinder, and constantly rushed over to destroy the skeletons.
But the wooden fence had already been broken where all of the human resources were combined in, constantly resisting the massive, persistent tides of the skeleton army. After all, this was not a good situation.
As the battle continued, the loggers started to get injured continually. Due to the influences of their injuries, their physical strengths quickly went downhill. The number of loggers who could continue fighting were getting lesser and lesser. The duration of the bald man's rest was getting shorter as well. Later on, he had no choice but to fight by himself at the front line, relying on his own strength to keep the front line from collapsing.
This bald dude was indeed a persistent man. He continually fought. The mouths of the wounds on his body were also opening wider and wider. As time flew, his clothes were gradually stained by blood. However, he just clenched his teeth, didn't back off or displayed the slightest glimpse of being exhausted. Instead, he was strongly holding on.
But fighting with only his valor was not enough. Judging from the constant increase in the number of wounds on his body and the fact that his moves had gradually slowed down, he must not be able to have possibly hang on for any longer.
Seeing that the bald guy couldn't persist anymore, Sui Xiong silently nodded his head, and jumped out from the deep hiding place in the forest.
Maybe this village still had other plans, but Sui Xiong couldn't helplessly stand there and see a hero shedding his blood to save other people.
His giant body stirred of a huge wind. His bulky tentacles waved, broke an ancient tree, overturned the ground, created a huge mark on the ground, which was like one that had been left by a hurricane, opening a path for Sui Xiong to move forward. He charged forth ten miles over the empty land .
The giant jellyfish used a language that nobody in this world could understand. He screamed out a line from a game, swung up his tentacles, charged towards the group of skeletons gathering in front the great gate that were aggressively slamming against it.
There were at least more than hundreds of skeletons that were crushed by the impact of his weight. The ground was immediately left with a huge deep crater. This giant beast had really released its full strength.
To these fellows who just had bones left, this giant jellyfish was unexpectedly so powerful.
"Haiz haiz! Can you, bunch of losers, see it! I am strong, super strong, and incredibly irresistible!"
Sui Xiong laughed out loud and continued launching strikes from his tentacles. He was continually beating up the skeleton army until they were utterly routed. Although he in fact, had only just brought out a small fraction of his strength, this kind of power level was enough to sweep away the millions of enemy troops.
The villagers, who were fighting hard, were all dumbstruck. They didn't think that such a table-turning situation like this could have ever happened.
In a bush, a Gallen jumped out. (It was a game veteran.) But who could ever imagine such a big dragon would appear out of nowhere?
Luckily, Sui Xiong had renovated this body to make it gentler a little bit. Except for the over-size appearance, it didn't have any fierce or ferocious features. Its skin was thick. Its facial appearance was common. There was not any pattern or abnormality on its body. It was just simply an enormous thick-skinned beast that was full of tentacles. In comparison with those skeletons, its body was even less terrifying.
This was an elephant and a dog. Although the elephant was way bigger than a dog, its combat force could kill a dog Judging by the look outside, the elephant had clearly looked much friendlier than the dog.
Especially when this elephant was protecting you from being hurt by the dog.
Having seen Sui Xiong appearing out of nowhere, each one of his tentacles was waving wildly and a bunch of bones was scattered everywhere. As a result, the villagers all cheered up.
Among the crowd behind, in the stone house where Sui Xiong's sense couldn't penetrate in. On the other hand, a pair of aged eyes didn't even have the slightest glimpse of joy but was both horrified and scared.
"It is a living monster! Where on earth does this legendary monster come from?" The Scared Hall's priest from the White Leaf Village's Night Watchman was fiercely staring at the giant beast among those skeletons which had been scattered everywhere. He was so enveloped in his rage to the point that his beard was shaking.
He had spent a lot of time and efforts, wasted a big amount of resources, had been well prepared towards everything as well at the back. He took advantage of the time when the great skeleton army was burned into ashes to increase the religious level of this village in a large scale, developed some mad believers, which by the way had encouraged the villagers to become more independent. His missionary work really affected his methods of handling the bald man.
Everything happens very smoothly as well. I just need to follow the plan, step by step. When the bald man is about to collapse, I just need to launch my hidden card, and then appear under the name of a savior. These villagers will definitely bow their heads to me---ah, not right, if they just bow their heads to me, it would not be sincere enough. They have to sincerely follow me, like myself, giving my all to the Emperor. In that way, the Emperor would gain more trusts from them, I can then implement my life value. In this short life, I can lift my head and advance towards the Emperor....
He had planned out everything really carefully, step by step. Everything was already in his hands.
However, this damned monster has ruined everything!
Hateful ! Judging from his giant body and mighty power, he must be a legendary brutal monster that was born to blow people's mind, making other people frightened. How come he protects the human!
The age of the black robe covering the whole priest's body was very old. When he was young, he used to be an adventurer, had gone from South to North. While spreading his belief in God's light, he gathered wealth to increase his power. He had seen all these giant monsters, which had powers to make other people feel desperate. They made use of their powers to freely do anything that they wanted, arrogantly and despotically.
But right now, he had met a monster, which was way out of his expectations.
He was formidable but not brutal, on the contrary, was very friendly.
It was not only once did he see that monster had fought hard to protect the villagers from getting hurt. He even took the loss sometimes and even let the skeletons attack him several times, in using his body to shield the villagers from the oncoming slaughter.
No doubt, this is a kind-hearted monster. Maybe it is not a mortal monster, but it is from a world full of peace and warmth.
A Heavenly Creature? A Heavenly Jellyfish? Haven't heard of it yet...
After being skeptical, he was getting angrier. To a person who had been through so many ups and downs like the old priest, failing to carry out this plan was not a big deal, and he had to endure this failure right in front of his eye for the success as well as avoiding the disappointments in the future.
This big-sized fellow has been so friendly to mankind. More likely could stay in this area and hold the role of a protection saint for this area. With his protection, this village and its neighborhoods surely won't need any more supernatural powers to overcome the crisis in the future. This might be not a big problem if the one we are dealing with is a virtuous God. But if he is an evil god, who relies on fear and threats, then it would literally be a disaster for us!
Not to mention the fact that kindness and evil are mortal enemies. Even this kind-hearted monster who doesn't have brutal intentions to slaughter all the evil spirits. Would he be merciful when facing an evil-god priest all covered in black, whose heart and lungs have been heavily broken?
I am afraid that after he has swiped across the great skeleton army, as soon as the day comes, he will smash the sacred sanctuary of the Emperor...
The old priest's heart was beating crazily like the blacksmith's bellow. The anger was surging inside of him, which possibly made him go crazy.
Absolutely intolerable!
He angrily and frighteningly walked back and forth, which made all the girls around, who were in charge of assisting the ritual, became anxious and panicked. Luckily, he had soon woken up and had restored his calmness.
Anger couldn't solve any problems, but on the contrary, it would bring many problems. He needed to stay calm. Everything could still be saved.
At this moment, the power of the humans had been already useless. He could just only pray to the great God, the God of Intelligence.
"A loyal night watchman, a sleepless man protecting the sacred shrine, your servant is here to pray. Your servant's little wisdom is enough to face the situation in front. May you use your endless wisdom to guide me through, and to show me what to do!"
At the beginning, his prayer wasn't responded. But not too long after, there was a strange light coming out of a small shrine. The light was genuinely gloomy, and didn't bring forth any eye-glaring feelings. It was both warm, calm, and extremely peculiar.
Along this strange light, there was also an unknown willpower. When this willpower touched the old priest, it immediately disappeared. At the same time, the strange light vanished without a trace as if it hadn't actually appeared.
"So strange! Isn't my feelings wrong?" When the light came out, Sui Xiong could feel the energy that he hated suddenly became more formidable. He unconsciously glanced over the stone house on the other side, but he didn't see any abnormal situation. When he had decided to carefully look into the stone house, the energy had dissipated, as if nothing had ever happened. He couldn't help but doubt whether or not his feeling was a delusion.
However, this kind of thought just lasted for a second. It was not easy to deal with the great skeleton army and protect the villagers at the same time. At this moment, when he had suppressed the majority of his powers, it had become more difficult. He didn't have any room for distractions.
After all, there was still a lot of time left. He still had time to communicate with them slowly. So, he didn't rush.
But since he didn't rush, on the other hand, his enemies were really hasty.
In the stone house, in front of the shrine, the old priest, who had originally closed his eyes praying, opened his eyes. There was no longer worry and anxiety in his eyes. Instead, they were full of joys.
"This is good enough! The time for me to return to my God time has finally come! The time for me to return to the glorious time of my life has finally come!"
He laughed out loud while opening his treasure trunk, taking out a wooden stick.
There were many stains on the black wooden stick. If looking closely, one must have found out that they were the traces of dried blood. The stinky bloody smell filling up the air had proved this point. The wooden stick was exceptionally sharp. There were two small blood brains on both ends of the stick. Fresh blood flowed out strongly from the blood brains, covered the entire wooden stick with many special patterns. And these "Patterns" could convert fresh blood into dark power, rapidly turning from into a circle-shape sacrifice formation structure, turning the victim into the evil god's offering.
Many years ago, when the old priest was still a young pastor, it had cost a huge fortune to ask an evil wizard to make this wooden stick. He named it "Offering". He had used it many times for an act of the sacrificial ritual, not only once did he use these offerings to please the Gods.
This wooden stick had made a huge contribution to his success of becoming a master in hosting this sacred place.
Today, he had to use this wooden stick.
This time, he wanted to present the best offerings!

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