Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Cthulhu Gonfalon Bahasa Indonesia Chapter 9

Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Bahasa Indonesia. Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Bahasa Indonesia Bab 9
    Malam semakin dalam dan lebih dingin.

    Di malam yang dingin ini, pertempuran sengit sedang berlangsung.

    Sisi pertempuran itu seperti sebuah tentara besar yang penuh dengan kejahatan di Hutan Hitam. Tak ada habisnya, di sisi lain pertempuran adalah sekelompok penduduk desa yang menetap di Hutan Hitam dan berusaha melindungi rumah dan kehidupan mereka.

    Proses pertarungan agak membosankan dan monoton Kami bergegas maju dan mencoba menghancurkan pagar kayu di sekitar desa. Penduduk desa menggunakan kayu bakar untuk melewati celah di pagar dan memukul dan membakar yang dekat dengan pagar. Gunakan api untuk mengusir keajaiban tubuh mereka dan mengubahnya menjadi tulang temporal.

    Melihat masa lalu, Anda bisa melihat ombak hitam bergegas ke desa yang dikelilingi pagar kayu. Kemudian mereka diblokir oleh api merah dan berfluktuasi secara konstan. Setiap undulasi akan memiliki satu atau lebih. Ini telah menjadi tulang pipi, berserakan di tanah, ada celah kecil. Kemudian tindak lanjut kecoak segera ditindaklanjuti, dibuat untuk celah ini dan terus menyerang.

    Ini adalah proses yang sederhana dan berulang-ulang. Sekilas, pertahanan penduduk desa tampak tidak sempurna. Tidak peduli berapa banyak pertempuran yang mereka hadapi, mereka hanya bisa terjebak di luar pagar kayu. Setelah matahari terbit, semua akan kembali. Namun, Akio tahu bahwa keseimbangan kemenangan telah benar-benar dimiringkan dan kegagalan penduduk desa sudah dekat.

    Alasannya sederhana, mereka capek.

    Setiap kali mereka menyerang, mereka perlu mendorong kembali kriket yang bergegas ke pagar. Hanya dengan cara ini kita bisa menghindari menyerang pagar. Kekuatan jangkrik tidak lemah. Dibutuhkan banyak usaha untuk mengusir mereka setiap saat. Penduduk desa mungkin sudah terdorong ratusan kali sejak tentara berada di depan pagar.

    Seratus kali, itu tidak tampak seperti banyak, tapi sebenarnya bisa mendorong dan mendorongnya ratusan kali. Cukuplah membuat otot orang-orang gemuk normal menjadi lelah. Sebelum Xiong Xiong melewati, dia juga memiliki pengalaman dalam fitnes. Barbel horizontal dikelompokkan empat belas kali dan lima kali. Mereka mengeksekusi empat kelompok setiap hari, menambahkan hingga enam puluh kali, hampir mencapai batasnya. "Intensitas latihan" penduduk desa jelas lebih tinggi dari dia, dan berapa kali begitu tinggi sehingga mereka tidak dapat beristirahat di tengah ... Sejujurnya, belum ada yang diturunkan sampai sekarang, membiarkan Yan Xiong mengagumi daya tahan mereka.

    Namun, bagaimanapun juga, penduduk desa ini bukanlah raja-raja kekuasaan yang aneh. Mereka berkeringat dan berkeringat sekarang. Mereka semua menguatkan diri mereka sendiri.

    Tapi lihatlah di langit, meski bulan sudah ke arah barat, masih bisa jauh dari matahari terbit.

    "Sepertinya sudah waktunya bagiku untuk keluar ..." Hei berkata pada dirinya sendiri, dan dia akan melompat keluar dan memulai debut, semuanya berubah lagi.

    Setiap malam, desa itu diselimuti rasa jijik. Seperti ombak, mereka bergegas menuju tentara.

    Suara jangkrik yang hancur menjadi satu, dan semua jangkrik yang dekat dengan pagar hancur dan berubah menjadi tulang putih pucat dan tumpah.

    Pada saat yang sama, Yan Xiong mendengar doa-doa tersebut, dan banyak doa digabungkan, dengan ritme yang aneh, untuk meningkatkan nafasnya.

    Dia terkejut dengan ini, dan butuh waktu lama untuk pulih Dunia ini bukan Bumi, memiliki kekuatan supernatural, seperti mereka yang cemburu. Dalam menghadapi ofensif kekuatan supranatural, tentu saja, kita harus menggunakan kekuatan supranatural untuk membela diri.

    Mungkin ini berarti pertahanan sebenarnya dari desa itu?

    Fakta membuktikan bahwa Yoshio sekali lagi menduga salah.

    Sama seperti dia menghujat, empat gadis berpakaian jubah hitam keluar dari rumah batu dan masing-masing membawa sangkar kayu yang dibungkus kain hitam. Mereka masing-masing pergi ke sisi desa dan menyerahkan kandang kayu ke empat pria kuat yang sudah menunggu di sana. Orang-orang brengsek itu dengan hati-hati mengambil sangkar itu, melemparkannya dengan keras, melemparkannya ke pagar, dan melemparkannya ke dalam tentara.

    Beberapa saat kemudian, gagak ayam buram berdering di skuadron, dan keempat monster yang tidak tahu dari sana tiba-tiba muncul di kelompok kalajengking dan mengamuk dengan liar.

    Monster-monster ini memiliki kepala ayam dan sayap ayam, tapi mereka memiliki tubuh seperti tubuh manusia. Ketika mereka melihat tungkai mereka, mereka melihat kekuatan mereka luar biasa. Tangan dan kaki mereka yang berbentuk cakar ayam tajam. Ketika mereka bergegas, mereka menemukan mereka dan mereka patah. Mereka benar-benar tak tertahankan. Hit. Mereka juga sangat tinggi, yang terpendek memiliki hampir tiga pria kuat, dan yang tertinggi bahkan mendekati ketinggian lima orang.

    "Aneh! Dari mana asal monster ini?"

    Karena malu melihatnya tertegun, dia bisa bersumpah pada Marx bahwa dia telah mengamati desa itu begitu lama sebelumnya, dan dia belum pernah menemukan jejak keempat monster ini - hal-hal besar seperti itu tidak dapat dilihat. Bukankah dia buta?

    Jadi dari mana keempat cowok besar ini berasal?

    Tidak, bukan masalahnya. Inti masalahnya adalah dengan keempat orang besar ini mengawasi pintu, tentara besar sepertinya tidak punya pilihan selain menghadapi desa ini.

    Bibi Xiong tidak memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam bertengkar dan tidak bisa mengukur seberapa kuat keempat monster itu. Namun, melihat mereka terlihat seperti hancur di skuadron, rasanya seperti bergulir di satu sisi. Meskipun kita memiliki backup yang cukup, jumlahnya tidak ada habisnya, tapi kalaupun tidak ada batasan bagaimana tak berujung, mengapa keempat lengan ini tidak bisa diayunkan untuk membunuh monster yang hebat.

    Yan Xiong tidak bisa menahan diri untuk diam-diam.

    Lagi pula, dia masih memandang rendah penduduk desa yang bisa tinggal di Black Forest ini!

    Tidak butuh waktu lama baginya untuk menemukan bahwa perkiraan sebelumnya benar. Kekuatan desa tidak begitu kuat.

    Mungkin ada lebih dari setengah jam kerja. Keempat monster tersebut tiba-tiba mengeluarkan jeritan yang keras. Pertarungan sengit sejauh ini pada dasarnya tanpa cedera dan tubuh telah bergoyang-goyang hebat. Setelah beberapa saat, itu meledak dengan empat ledakan dan berubah menjadi genangan darah.

    Melihat kejadian ini, penduduk desa tampak sedikit kecewa. Bibi lega.

    Masih terlalu dini, dan masih terlalu dini untuk debut perdana penyelamat yang asli.

    Tidak, faktanya adalah situasinya sangat bagus. Karena perjuangan keempat monster selama ini, jumlah tentara di tentara telah berkurang banyak. Hal ini tidak lagi padat seperti sebelumnya. Meskipun bala bantuan dari tanah masih dalam persediaan konstan, mereka mungkin ingin kembali ke tingkat sebelumnya. Bagaimanapun, ini akan memakan waktu lama. Di desa, setelah masa istirahat, kekuatan fisik telah pulih banyak. Bahkan jika mereka tidak dapat bertahan, setidaknya seluruh garis pertahanan tidak akan runtuh sekaligus, sehingga ketika Xiong Xiong tiba di lapangan, dia dapat dengan percaya diri menyelamatkan orang.

    Ini adalah hal yang baik, tidak lebih dari itu bahwa penduduk desa mungkin takut dengan hal itu, tapi bagaimanapun juga, mereka akan shock.

    Dengan percaya diri, selama dia melompat ke desa dan berbalik ke pagar, dia bisa menghancurkan lebih dari 80 persen tentara. Sisanya adalah dua atau tiga, dan ini seperti bermain hamster. .

    Tidak masalah, semuanya dalam perhitungan.

    Penghancuran keempat monster itu jelas di antara perhitungan penduduk desa. Mereka hanya sedikit mendesah dan terus berinvestasi dalam usaha melawan tentara.

    Situasinya tidak berbeda dari sebelumnya. Kami bergegas ke pagar dan penduduk desa mendorong mereka kembali dengan membawa kayu bakar dan dibakar lagi sampai mereka roboh.

    Tapi segera, Akio telah melihat masalahnya.

    Kekuatan penduduk desa jauh lebih buruk daripada saat ini!

    Lagi pula, mereka sudah kehabisan tenaga. Bahkan jika mereka beristirahat lebih dari setengah jam, mereka tidak dapat pulih kembali.

    Sebenarnya, ini masih merupakan masalah sepele. Dalam menghadapi krisis hidup dan mati, bahkan seekor babi pun akan memeras kekuatan terakhir untuk bertarung pada akhirnya, belum lagi orang. Jangan melihat penduduk desa ini satu per satu terengah-engah, tapi berani bertaruh setidaknya mereka bisa bertahan lebih dari satu jam!

    Sebaliknya, krisis lain benar-benar sudah dekat.

    Aku takut pagar kayu tidak tahan!

    Pagar kayu di sekitar desa memang kuat, tapi tidak peduli seberapa kuatnya, hanya kayu. Selama malam ini, mereka diserang oleh tentara dan dibakar berkali-kali dengan membakar kayu batang kayu. Hampir di batas. Jika dunia ini adalah permainan, saya khawatir durabilitas pagar kayu telah menjadi kemerahan, dan akan runtuh.

    Begitu pagar runtuh, seluruh pertahanan akan benar-benar runtuh.

    Pada saat ini, pintu gerbang desa yang telah ditutup terbuka.

    Seolah-olah ada orang yang dikendalikan jarak jauh dalam kegelapan, tentara besar yang telah menyerang pagar itu semua telah berhenti dan bergegas menuju gerbang desa.

    Dia tertegun dan dia tidak bisa mengerti metode berpikir ini.

    Setelah berjuang hampir sepanjang malam, seluruh pagar kayu hancur total. Melihat bahwa desa bisa dibanjiri banjir, bagaimana pintunya terbuka dan mereka segera mengabaikan pagar kayu dan langsung menuju ke gerbang?

    Apa logika ini?

    Bibi merasa bahwa saya takut bahwa hanya game tingkat pencerahan lama yang memiliki tingkat kecerdasan buatan ini.

    Oh ... ini sudah mati, bahkan manusia pun, apalagi pintar ...

    Saat dia diam-diam meludah, tentara besar yang semula mengelilingi seluruh desa telah berkumpul ke pintu dan bergegas maju.

    Mereka yang bertanggung jawab untuk melawan mereka adalah, tentu saja, orang-orang brengsek yang telah meremajakan diri mereka sendiri.

    Masing-masing pria berotot ini mengenakan baju besi kulit, memegang palu berat seperti palu kapak, dan menghancurkan jangkriknya. Taktik hebat yang digunakan sepanjang tahun untuk penebangan mengandung kekuatan yang luar biasa. Jangkrik hitam itu bukan lawan pada saat bersamaan, dan mereka jatuh untuk sementara waktu.

    Namun, pertempuran sengit semacam itu juga merupakan usaha fisik yang luar biasa. Hanya dalam sepuluh menit saja, orang-orang yang telah dimakan ternak selama bertahun-tahun mulai terengah-engah.

    Orang buta yang telah melihat pintu melambai saat melihat dan mengarahkan mereka untuk mundur. Dia memblokir dirinya dengan dua atau tiga orang kuat.

    Kekuatannya jelas jauh lebih kuat dari pada penebang biasa. Gelombang Axe adalah beberapa goresan dan rasanya seperti memotong rumput.

    Jelas, dia tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak diam-diam terkejut, tampilan kepala yang telanjang ini tidak lebih baik daripada di mana penebang kayu sangat kuat, tapi daya tahan bukanlah nilai, tidak seperti spesies yang sama. Apa yang bisa dia tumbuh menjadi begitu kuat?

    Setelah memiliki hubungan baik dengan orang-orang di desa ini, pastikan untuk berkomunikasi dengannya. Jika dia bisa belajar dari pengalamannya yang kuat dan menggunakan basis fisiknya sendiri, dia bisa cukup kuat untuk menentangnya!

    Namun, daya tahan orang yang turbulen ini tampaknya sangat bermasalah. Tepat ketika dia bertengkar sekitar dua kali lipat dari orang biasa, dia mulai terkesiap, mundur, membiarkan penebang kayu lainnya di atasnya, dan dia pensiun ke belakang untuk beristirahat dengan baik.

    Tentu saja, dalam periode singkat ini, dia telah mengalahkan setidaknya dua atau tiga ratus benteng dan memiliki catatan cemerlang.

    Orang ini benar-benar kuat!  Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Bahasa Indonesia

English Version
As the night got deeper, the weather slowly got colder as well.
In this freezing cold night, a death battle was carrying on.
One side of the battle was a great evil skeleton army of the Black Forest, endlessly; while the other side of the battle was a bunch of settlers in the dense forest, who were putting all of their might into protecting their families and their lives.
The process of the battle was a little boring and dull. The skeletons were like 'stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades'. They were storming forward, wanting to break down the wooden fence around the village. Whenever the villagers used wood with burning flame to poke through the holes in the fence, fighting and burning the skeletons, the flame melted away the dark powers in them, and temporarily made them become harmless skeletons.
Sui Xiong could see from this side a pitch-black tide constantly flowing towards the wooden fence around the village. After being blocked by the burning flame, it constantly rippled. Every time it rippled, there would be one or few skeletons that had turned into remains, dissipating on the ground at the little hole on the fence. After that, another group of skeletons dived in, making up for those that had been lost in these holes, continuing their attack.
This was simply a repetitive process. At the first look, the villagers' defenses seemed not to have any flaws, no matter how intensely these skeletons attacked outside of the wooden fence, they couldn't help but run back to the ground when the sun rose. But Sui Xiong knew that victory had been completely tilted. The villagers' failure was already close to their eyes.
The reason was very simple. They were tired.
Every time the skeletons attacked, they would immediately push back the skeletons as soon as they reached the fence. This was the only way they could block the skeleton's attacks. But these skeletons' powers were not weak. It required quite a decent amount of power to push back these skeletons. Since the great skeleton army had first arrived in front of the fence, the village had pushed back proximately more than a hundred times.
More than a hundred times seemed not much. But in fact, the act of repeatedly pushing back more than a hundred times was enough to cause pain to a strong man's muscles. Before jumping here, Sui Xiong had also experienced this. He had pushed weights fourteen to fifteen times a section. Every day, he did four sections, which were totally sixteen times of shot-putting. That had almost reached his limit. But these villagers' "Movement Intensity" were definitely higher than his, with such many times of repeating like this, they didn't even rest in between...honestly speaking, there wasn't a person lying down to rest up until now, Sui Xiong really admired their endurance.
But, these villagers were not any strange power kings after all. At this moment, all of them were drenched in sweat, completely trying their best to hang on.
Judging from the color of the sky, although the moon had already been back in the west, it was still early until the sun rose.
"Seems like the time for me to show up will come very quickly..." Sui Xiong talked to himself. When he was about to jump out, a shadow flashed out. Everything changed tremendously again.
Every time the night cast on the village, that energy which made Sui Xiong feel annoyed, suddenly became stronger. The great skeleton army, which was like sea waves, suddenly hurled forward.
Crackling and rattling sounds joined into one. All the skeletons close to the fence were all directly shattered, then turned into white remains, falling down to the ground.
At the same time, Sui Xiong heard praying sounds. These praying sounds linked into one, which had a strange rhythm, promoting that energy to grow constantly.
It took him half a day to recover his mind from being surprised. This world was not the Earth. It had a supernatural power. These skeletons were the example. He obviously used a supernatural defending power to face with a supernatural attack.
Perhaps, is this the village's true defending trick?
Reality had once again proved Sui Xiong's guess wrong.
Right at the time that he was in a daze, four women in black gowns came out of the stone house. Each one of them brought along a wooden cage covered in black cloth. Each one of them went to each side of the village, handing over the wooden cages to four muscular men, who had been waiting there. These muscular men each carefully received a cage, used their forces to throw the cages over the fence towards the great skeleton army.
After a while, a shrieking sound came up from the great skeleton army. Four monsters suddenly appeared out of nowhere among the skeletons, frantically wreaking havoc.
These monsters were born from the chicken heads and chicken wings. But they had human shapes. Just by the look of their stout limbs, one could immediately tell that their strengths were not ordinary. Their chicken feet in the shape of human limps looked exceedingly sharp. The skeletons were immediately shattered when bumping into them, couldn't even handle one strike. Their heights were also very tall. The shortest one must have been at least about three sturdy men's heights stacked upon another. The tallest must be even up to the total height of five men.
"So strange! Where do these beasts come from?"
Sui Xiong bewilderedly looked at them. He could swear to Marx, the village, which he had observed for such a long time like this, didn't have any trace of these beasts before---he must be blind if he didn't see such a big monster like that!
So where do these four big fellows come from?
No, this was not an important thing. The important thing was how these four enormous fellows could prevent the great skeleton army from taking over this village...
Sui Xiong didn't have much fighting experience, so he couldn't correctly guess how powerful these four beasts could be. But based on the fact that these guys could easily win the skeletons wherever they went, thus the victory clearly tilted to one side. Although the reinforcements of the skeletons were abundant, their number could be said as infinite, no matter how infinite they could be, they couldn't do anything towards these great beasts, which could immediately kill anything when swinging up their arms.
Sui Xiong couldn't help but secretly sigh.
After all, he couldn't look after those villagers, who led a humble and peaceful life in this Black Forest!
But not long after that, he soon discovered that his previous guess was not wrong, this village's power was indeed not that strong.
It was probably after more than half an hour of fighting, the four beasts suddenly let out miserable shrieking sounds. Their bodies, which basically didn't have any wounds since they had been in the war until now, had quivered. Then soon enough, following after four explosion sounds were pools of blood.
The villagers were a little disappointed when they saw this scene. On the contrary, Sui Xiong lightly sighed in belief.
It is still early. My original savior debut plan still has time to be executed.
No, in fact, the situation right now is better. Due to the struggle with the four monsters for this time being, the number in the great skeleton army had been reduced remarkably. They were not crowded like a tide from before. Although the reinforcements were still constantly surging out from the ground, they would need a little time to recover their original state in the end. On the other hand, the villagers had rested during this time. Their strengths had recovered a lot. Even if they could not hold on, the entire defense line at least wouldn't immediately crumble. So, until the time Sui Xiong made his debut, he could definitely save them.
This was a good thing, the villagers would be frightened a little bit, but it was not a surprise anyway.
Sui Xiong believed that as long as he jumped into that village, went around the fence one time, more than eighty percent of the great skeleton army would be destroyed. There were just two or three kittens left, which he could slowly beat them up.
There was no problem. He had considered everything.
The destruction of the four monsters was clearly in the villagers' calculation. They just slightly sighed then went back to their jobs of resisting the great skeleton army.
The current situation was not much different from the last one. When the skeletons rushed forward, the villagers used the burning woods to push them back, burning them until they collapsed.
But soon enough, Sui Xiong could recognize the issue.
The villagers' strengths have been worn out really much!
Nevertheless, they had been deadly exhausted. Even if taking a rest for half an hour, it wouldn't help them recover much.
As a matter of fact, this was just a small matter, facing a life and death crisis would eventually squeeze out even the last fighting strengths of a pig, not to mention a human. By seeing these villagers panting heavily, Sui Xiong bet that they could at least hold on for another hour!
On the contrary, the other crisis was in fact imminent.
The wooden fence probably could not stand anymore!
The wooden fence around the village was indeed really solid, but no matter how solid it was, it was still wooden after all. At this night, after they had been constantly attacked by the great skeleton army and their burning woods had been broken countless times, they had soon reached their limits. If this world were a game, this wooden fence's durability would probably be burned to the bottom, soon see its collapse.
Once the fence collapsed, the entire defense line would completely fall apart as well.
Right at this moment, the tightly shut main gate opened.
There might be someone giving orders in the dark. The great skeleton army, which originally was constantly attacking the wooden fence, all stopped, hurriedly charging forward towards the main gate.
Sui Xiong was entirely dumbstruck. He couldn't get these skeletons' thoughts.
Seeing them having been struggling for more than half a night, seeing the entire wooden fence was completely broken down, seeing them uniting to attack this village, how come they would immediately ignore the wooden fence, and come straight to the great gate as soon as it was opened?
What on earth is this Logic!
Sui Xiong felt that only those Enlightenment classic game could have this level of artificial human intelligence named mentally deficient inside.
Oh... These skeletons had already been dead long time ago, they could not be considered as being artificial, not to mention having such intelligence...
While he was secretly ridiculing these guys, the great skeleton army, which originally hovered around the village, had already gathered at the great gate, continually flooding in.
Being in charge of blocking them was obviously those muscular men, who had taken rest before.
These muscular men wore animal skin armors, carried axes, hammers, all kinds of heavy weapons, rushed over the skeletons to crush them down. These guys, who had been logging for a long time, had hidden extraordinary strengths. Those black skeletons were basically not considered their opponents. Shortly, a big area was down.
However, such an intense battle would consume a huge amount of strength. In less than ten minutes, those long-experienced loggers, who were as strong as buffaloes, started to pant heavily.
The bald gatekeeper waved his hand, and ordered them to retreat. He himself brought along two or three other muscular men to replace these guys to block the skeleton's attack.
His ability was clearly much stronger than an ordinary logger. He just needed to swing his ax several times and the skeletons all fell down like blades of grass.
Sui Xiong couldn't help but be startled. At the first glance, this bald bastard didn't look much more special than those exceptionally powerful loggers, however his striking force was not on the same level with them. They were basically not the same type. What on earth did he eat to grow up strongly like this?
After he formed a good relationship with these villagers, he would definitely exchange some experiences with this fancy guy. If he could utilize the experiences that he had learned, his body would definitely be strengthened till the point of being unbeatable!
However, this invincible powerhouse's endurance probably had problems. After fighting for the amount of time which was double the usual time that an ordinary person could endure, he started to pant, retreated, and let other loggers keep on fighting. He withdrew to the rear to rest.
Of course, in such a really short time, he had defeated more than hundreds of skeletons, creating a glorious merit.
This fellow is completely exactly very strong!
Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9. Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9 Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 9

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